The State of Student Protesting 

This conversation explored how student organizers and their allies are taking collective action to protect innocent lives, demanding their right to free speech and calling on universities to disclose and divest from corporations that profit from apartheid, occupation, and genocide.

The panelists discussed the state of student protests and organizing around the country while highlighting student demands and situating them in a contemporary political context.

Watch highlights from the conversation here! 


Ramzi Kassem

Ramzi Kassem

Ramzi Kassem is the founding director of CLEAR and a professor of law at the City University of New York. From 2022 to 2024, he served as a senior policy advisor at the White House. His writing, teaching, and legal practice all aim to contest the expressions and excesses of the sprawling US security state, both domestically and abroad.
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Arielle Angel

Arielle Angel is the editor in chief of Jewish Currents and a frequent host of the Jewish Currents podcast, On the Nose. She has been awarded artist residencies across the country and was named a 2018 New Jewish Culture Fellow.

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Sueda Polat

Sueda is a human rights master's degree candidate at Columbia University with a focus in state-sanctioned human rights violations in the Middle East. She is a graduate of Emory University where she pursued a major in sociology and a minor in Arabic.

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